Why People Still Choose Window Seat?

Despite the fact that airplanes have been around for over a century, air travel remains a unique and exciting experience for many people. For some passengers, the thrill of looking out of the window at the passing scenery never gets old. But there are also practical reasons why people still choose to sit by the window on flights. In this context, we will explore some of the reasons why passengers may prefer a window seat over other options.

1. Gazing Out Of Airplane Windows Never Gets Old

Despite having flown millions of miles, some people never tire of gazing out the airplane window. They find value in even the most mundane landscapes and remain optimistic about what lies ahead.

2. Window Seat Passengers, Control Window Shades

Having control over the window shades is crucial in addition to enjoying the view. It allows you to decide whether to lower the shade or not, even during daytime flights when you want to rest.

Similarly, if you prefer to watch your own entertainment, you may want to lower the shade to minimize glare.

Typically, the person seated by the window has the authority to adjust the window shades.

3. Window Seats Make It Easier To Work

There are certain passengers on planes who are highly productive and believe that having a window seat improves their productivity. They can position their laptop or phone screen in a way that it's not visible to the person sitting next to them.

While most people prefer gazing out of the window during flights, there are some who seem to derive pleasure from peering at other passengers' laptop screens.

4. In Window Seats, No One Climbs Over You

If you're occupying a window seat, you have the right to politely request the person sitting in the aisle seat to move aside so that you can use the restroom. Since it's a reasonable request, you needn't worry about when you'll be allowed to leave or use the facilities.

Sitting in the window seat has its perks, as you don't have to get up frequently if you don't need to use the restroom. Additionally, there are fewer instances of people tugging on your seat to get up from their own.

5. Window Seats Are Better Or Resting

Regardless of whether you're traveling in economy or business class, opting for a window seat is ideal if you want to catch some sleep. In economy, you can rest your head against the wall, which isn't possible in an aisle seat.

In business class cabins, seats that aren't adjacent to an aisle are preferable for sleeping. Resting your back against the wall helps minimize disturbances from other passengers.

6. Window Seats, Expose You To Fewer People

Although we're neither medical professionals nor scientists, it appears that selecting the aisle seat could increase your exposure to external factors, unlike choosing the window seat.

During boarding, when you're seated in the aisle, other passengers will pass by you in close proximity, potentially hovering over you while finding their seats.

On the other hand, sitting by the window means that you're surrounded by other passengers only on one side. However, if you opt for an aisle seat, people will be seated on both sides of you.

With the advent of Covid-19, people are more cognizant of this fact than ever before.

7. Window Seats, Actually Let You Control Your Destiny

It's worth noting that passengers seated in the window seat have seldom encountered an aisle seat passenger who declined to move when asked to allow them to use the restroom.

However, there is a potential risk of a flight attendant accidentally spilling drinks on an aisle-seated passenger's laptop while serving the person in the window seat, causing damage.

Additionally, preparing electronic devices for charging can be disrupted when the person in the window seat needs to use the restroom, requiring the removal of everything that's been connected.

In some cases, an individual, either a fellow passenger or a flight attendant, might stand in the aisle and engage in a loud and extended conversation with the person seated by the window, resulting in discomfort for the aisle-seated passenger.

Bottom Line

Over time, people's preferences for where they prefer to sit on a plane have undergone a significant change.

Window seats offer a superior view and greater privacy, making them ideal for working or resting. They also provide you with complete control over your environment, including the position of the window shade and when you choose to wake up.

Ultimately, there is no right or wrong answer to the question of where to sit on a plane. The decision depends entirely on the individual's preferences and requirements.

  • https://thepointsguy.com/news/why-window-better-than-aisle-seat/



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